rotes Feuerwehrfahrzeug fährt auf einer Strasse mit einer Stadt im Hintergrund, von der linken Seite ragt eine rote Fläche in das Bild

Your Safety matters

We are specialists in industrial protection. Since 1947, we have been working to make people's lives safer and protect their environment.

our products
ein Feuerwehrmann trägt ein Kind aus einem brennenden Haus, von der linken Seite ragt eine rote Fläche in das Bild

With us
Save lives

Every day, our products save people and protect our environment. You too can benefit from our strengths!

our technology
ein Feuerwehrmann steht mit seinem Helm unter dem Arm vor einem Feuerwehrauto, von der linken Seite ragt eine rote Fläche in das Bild

Proximity to

Our employees, with their deep roots in fire departments and relief organizations, are a guarantee for always competent service.

our company
zwei Feuerwehrmänner stehen in einem Wald und löschen Glutnester, von der linken Seite ragt eine rote Fläche in das Bild

The future
in focus

We develop sustainable, cost-effective and future-proof concepts. With us, people and the environment are protected.

our service

in focus

We stand for sustainability and cost-effective concepts.
Our employees, with their deep roots in fire departments and relief organizations, are guarantor for a always competent support and consultation.

Special vehicles from Iturri help fight forest fires in France

Special vehicles from Iturri help fight forest fires in France

Lower Saxony supports the fight against forest fires in southern France with two special vehicles from Iturri

Devastating forest fires are currently raging again in the French region of Gironde. Due to the worsening situation, the state of Lower Saxony is supporting the French forces in fighting the fires.

Last week, an EU-standardized firefighting unit was assembled in Bonn especially for such events, which also involves two special vehicles and personnel from Lower Saxony, according to the Minister of the Interior and Sports, Boris Pistorius.
The Lower Saxony unit consists of a command vehicle and two special Iturri forest fire tanker trucks (TLF-W).
These are vehicles specially developed for such operational situations, which were only handed over to the Lower Saxony fire departments by the state of Lower Saxony in April of this year.
The duration of the on-site operation is initially planned for seven days. Our vehicles are deployed together with the contingent from North Rhine-Westphalia in the region around Bordeaux.
"Of course, we support our French neighbors in such a situation, especially with our vehicles specially acquired for such missions," Boris Pistorius further explained.