rotes Feuerwehrfahrzeug fährt auf einer Strasse mit einer Stadt im Hintergrund, von der linken Seite ragt eine rote Fläche in das Bild

Your Safety matters

We are specialists in industrial protection. Since 1947, we have been working to make people's lives safer and protect their environment.

our products
ein Feuerwehrmann trägt ein Kind aus einem brennenden Haus, von der linken Seite ragt eine rote Fläche in das Bild

With us
Save lives

Every day, our products save people and protect our environment. You too can benefit from our strengths!

our technology
ein Feuerwehrmann steht mit seinem Helm unter dem Arm vor einem Feuerwehrauto, von der linken Seite ragt eine rote Fläche in das Bild

Proximity to

Our employees, with their deep roots in fire departments and relief organizations, are a guarantee for always competent service.

our company
zwei Feuerwehrmänner stehen in einem Wald und löschen Glutnester, von der linken Seite ragt eine rote Fläche in das Bild

The future
in focus

We develop sustainable, cost-effective and future-proof concepts. With us, people and the environment are protected.

our service

in focus

We stand for sustainability and cost-effective concepts.
Our employees, with their deep roots in fire departments and relief organizations, are guarantor for a always competent support and consultation.

News Kippwinkeltest 001

Tilting angle test

Tilt angle test - For your safety
ITURRI regularly subjects the vehicles built to a tipping angle test.

 Tilt angle test - For your safety

ITURRI regularly subjects the vehicles built to a tilt angle test. This involves tilting the vehicle using a hydraulic swivel platform specially designed for this purpose, and measuring and documenting the angle. This simulates cornering. In order for fire fighting vehicles to meet the general requirements for safety and performance and to comply with the European standard EN 1846-2, they must withstand specified static tipping angles depending on their weight class and category (see EN 1846-1). Our slewing platform is also regularly rented by other body manufacturers who do not have their own platform. Don't worry: All vehicles are secured with chains to prevent them from falling over.
Now we had a delegation from the Netherlands as guests in Wilnsdorf.After 30 years of successful operation, the Dutch government has decided that the current mobile HFS water supply systems will be replaced with hydraulically driven submersible pumps for water pumping.
Representatives of the Dutch Ministry of the Interior, the fire departments as well as the company Hytrans® came to Wilnsdorf with a swap body vehicle including the latest HFS system to perform the tilt angle test on our swivel platform as part of the ongoing acceptance of the new system.
ITURRI is a distributor of Hytrans® and offers the special systems in Spain and Poland as well as in some South American markets.