- AluPrime box body with side flaps and roller shutter at the rear
- Floodlight mast with hand pump, approx. 4,500 mm
Flootlight (230 V / 108 W) - LED periphery lighting
Product name | AB-sonderlösch |
Length [in mm] | 6900 |
Width [in mm] | 2500 |
Height [in mm] | 2350 |
Gross vehicle weight [in kg] | 14000 |
- Trolley "Portable Fire Extinguishers"
- Trolley "Small Containers of Foam Compound"
- Trolley "Extinguishing Water Retention"
- Trolley "Power Generator with Lighting"
- Trolley "Foam Compound Proportioning Device"
- Trolley "Foam Compound 500 litres"
- Trolley "120 kg Extinguishing Agent CO2"
- Trolley "Foam Compound 500 litres"
- Trolley "250 kg ABC Extinguishing Powder"